Monday, September 20, 2010

Visiting The Crab Land Part II

Alright,here goes the second post..yeah,i knew my photo not that perfect progress to improve my skill so friends please me some comment and critic yea,no worry :)
sun going down :)
sunset at p.ketam
after the sunset shots,here we go with the delicious dinner,CRAB of course :)
fried " " eh..what this call in english?lol no idea,in chinese they call it "lai liu ha" hope u get me xD
its crispy!!nice
i have no idea what this call in english as well chinese so call "jok tan" i like this and saw a similar post from one blog and i order it...real huge and fresh,yummy :)
the bacon with bread
fresh & hot bacon :)
the night view,i twist it to another colour using raw file
this was the colour how its actually look like :P
this was the sunrise shot==
yeap,this for my breakfast
the roasted pork and duck,duck was yummy..pork was so so :)

that's all for this visit :D

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