Monday, June 14, 2010


Oh sorry,i knew is a fault...
i just wanna say again and the last time!i like you~
in the previous time i dint hope that you will like me
i just do things that will make you happy
i plan outing to be gather up me,you and others to get some fun
i wanna spoke to you whatever,whenever and where ever i do and been
i hope to see your smile every time we meet up
i laugh when you laugh
i worried when you get sick and sad
i always hope that when my phone rang it was you,who find me
I am so sorry that i love you at all time and being late to told off

I am now learning to forget and yeah!chill~

Sorry for everything i have done,me and you will forget all the past and carry on our life as you told me to do so...forgive me

And lastly i wish you all the best and stay happy always

To my beloved friend!

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